Steven Durost, PhD., LCMHC, REAT, PAT is the Founder, Executive Director & Owner of C.R.E.A.T.E! Center for Expressive Arts, Therapy and Education in Manchester, New Hamphsire, which employs 25+ counselors, arts-based therapists, psychologist, interns and staff. Steven has a PhD in Expressive Therapies, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Registered Expressive Art, a Certified Psychodramatist, and a Trainer in TSM Psychodrama. Steven is the 2014 ASGPP Zerka T. Moreno Award recipient for his work in the field of psychodrama, the 2009 Heroes of Justice Award by the YWCA Crisis Services for his work with the Male Sexual Abuse Survivor's Group and for being the Crisis Services' first responder for human trafficking, and the 2008 Soul Sisters Appreciation Award for his aid in creating a safe space for women to meet and grow. His organization, C.R.E.A.T.E!, is the recipient of the 2010 New Hampshire National Alliance for Mental Illness Award for Systems Change. Steven teaches as adjunct faculty for Lesley University and has conducted research, taught courses and created groups in South Africa, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, China, Singapore, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Croatia, India, and the United States. He most recently co-author the new edition of Experiential Therapy from Trauma to Post-traumatic Growth: Therapeutic Spiral Model Psychodrama (2022) as well as a co-authored chapter called Therapeutic Spiral Model Psychodrama around the World: Cultural Connections in IAGP’s Working with Cultural Diversity (2022). Steven is also an invited kite-flyer to international kite festivals where you can see him and his 120 foot purple squid kite named SeaMore filling the sky with joy.